Solutions for professional automotive cleaning and care
    Complete automotive solutions

    From washing to water treatment

    Premium quality

    For professional car washes

    Systems for every site

    From independents to chains

    Welcome to the home of automotive care solutions. From our dedicated sales force and customer service team through to industry-leading technical support, at SEKO we’re with you every step of the way to help identify and supply the ideal solutions for your car wash.

    About Us

    Your Choice, Our Commitment

    SEKO is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of chemical dosing systems, with production sites and offices around the globe serving the cleaning & hygiene and water-treatment industries.

    popular products


    Quality for SEKO is a 360° reality. It covers
    not only the design, development,
    production and delivery of our products
    and solutions but it runs through the core
    professionalism of our teams.

    Spirit of Collaboration

    Spirit of Collaboration is fundamental to
    our success and SEKO prides itself on how
    we work as a worldwide team, blending
    multiple country teams and functions to
    bring solutions to the customer

    45 years’ experience

    Since 1976, SEKO has built a wealth of experience designing and manufacturing a range of solutions for
    every car wash, from small independent sites to the largest chains.

    Contact Us Today

    From sales enquiries to technical advice, SEKO has experts on hand to help you at every stage.

    Contact us today and receive world-class customer service from our dedicated team.

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      Phasellus aliquet vehicula arcu, quis egestas neque. Ut dignissim, dolor in porta dapibus, massa quam ultricies mauris, et feugiat nibh neque in massa. 


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      Your Choice, Our Commitment